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Techniques & Methods


Somatic Release Technique

(S.R.T), inspired by Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing(TM), is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders.  By experiencing and observing the sensations that are present in your body, your nervous system begins to reconnect memories of the past that you may have disassociated from in order to survive. With guided facilitation and intentional hands-on support, you are able to experience these memories through your physical sensations in a safe container.  This allows the body to naturally process traumatic imprints through a variety of means including but-not limited to: trembling, yawning, crying, shaking, laughing, sweating, or simply entering into a state of deep relaxation. These releases help complete the activation and immobility responses in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, often alleviating long-term symptoms.


Point Holding Process

(P.H.P) is used to accelerate trauma release by gaining direct access to the nervous system.  Many studies have concluded that the ‘Vagus Nerve’ is directly responsible for the overall state of relaxation or anxiety in the body. The process begins by holding certain trigger points in the body which help to stimulate the nervous system by generating pressure above certain nerves, causing them to send waves of energy throughout the body where energy has previously been stuck or crystalized. Breaking through these ‘crystals’ will allow a greater amount of energy to be released from the body, creating an overall sense of ease, relaxation and liberation.


Nervous System Regulation

In each session, I utilize the techniques and exercises from my teachers Stanley Rosenberg and Thor Philipsen who based much of their research on Stephen Porges’ Poly-Vagal Theory. These hands-on techniques work specifically with the five cranial nerves that make up the Social Engagement system in our body which governs feelings of safety, connection, relaxation and trust. By gently massaging, rocking and holding fascia and nerve endings in the neck, face and diaphragm the entire body will experience a deep sense of restoration and rejuvenation.

(Brett) practices with a presence and style that assists one to experience the fullness of life, from grief to joy.
— James Murray

The Temple

I believe that when we sense safety, we allow ourselves to feel. When we start feeling, our healing can truly begin. This safety occurs on an energetic level and also on a physical plane. It’s that feeling when walking into an environment, taking in a deep breath, and finally feeling full-body relaxation.

Built by hand with love and care, this was the intention in creating the Temple of The Yummy Heart. Set in a serene environment with chirping birds and soothing breeze, the yurt’s cozy vibes are home to a full tea bar, crystal altar, massage table, and meditation area. Community gatherings and tea ceremonies happen on a weekly basis.

Become part of the Ceremonies of The Yummy Heart Group to learn more and get involved

His whole heart is in it and The Yummy Heart is the perfect depiction of what you receive in his sessions.
— Cara Allison

Teas and Infusions


I started working with herbal decoctions and infusions when I gave up caffeine a few years ago as a desperate alternative for drinking water. I discovered subtle shifts in my mood and behavior as I began experimenting with single herbs and tea blends. Not only did it open a door into the vast and magical world of herbal remedies but also created a ritual and practice of self care that I discovered to have great impact on my daily routine. 

Sharing a cup of tea is an intimate and delightful sensory experience which invites feelings of trust, bonding, and safety. I work with tea in every session and will send you home with some so you may continue your own exploration.   


Signature Tea

The Yummy Heart Blend

  • Hawthorn Leaves

  • Linden Flowers

  • Rose Buds

  • Blue Butterfly Pea

  • Helichrysum Flowers